2008/09/14(Sun)screenでデタッチできない 解決編
2008/09/14 21:21
$ ps x | grep pts | grep sshd 13819 ? S 0:00 sshd: kero@pts/2 13985 ? S 0:00 sshd: kero@pts/8 14595 pts/2 S+ 0:00 grep sshd grepが走っているpts/2が現在操作中のポートなので、pts/8を落とす。 $ kill -KILL 13985 $ screen -ls There is a screen on: 9120.pts-0.spinel (Multi, detached) 1 Socket in /var/run/screen/S-kero. $ screen -rこれで自動的にdetatchされ(autodetatchがonの場合)再アタッチ可能になる。
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; (my $tty = `echo -n \$SSH_TTY`) =~ s/\/dev\///; my $dead = `ps x | grep pts | grep sshd | grep -v $tty | grep -v grep`; foreach(split(/\n/, $dead)){ $_ =~ s/^\s*(\d+).+$/$1/; print qq|Kill pid=$_...\n|; `kill -KILL $_`; }
2008/09/12(Fri)zshセグメ違反 解決
2008/09/12 19:19
2008/09/12 19:06
後でサーバーの保守ログから作成したグラフを見て驚いたwこれはすげぇ…、Load Average 50いってたんだ。しかもswapの減り方が……。あぁかわいそう。
# 余談ですが、Linuxのsftpコマンドだけでレジューム転送ってどうやるんだろう?man調べたけどよく分からなかった。
2008/08/30 20:15
ここからダウンロード可能。ページ下部の"Linux コマンドライン版"を選択。
# tar xvf seatools_cli.tar # ./st -l Drive information: /dev/sg0 ATA ST380021A 3.05 156301487 blocks # ./st -i /dev/sg0 /dev/sg0 Vendor = ATA Product = ST380021A Version = 3.05 Serial Number = Copyright = SCSI Firmware = t Servo RAM Release = 9 Servo ROM Release = !5v Servo RAM Date = � Servo ROM Date = E Blocksize = 512, Highblock = 156301487, Capacity = 78151 MB -this is a Seagate drive -this drive does not support DST -Mode Page Settings [current value (default)]: -WCE bit = 1 (0) -RCD bit = 0 (0) -AWRE bit = 1 (0) -ARRE bit = 0 (0) -DExcpt bit = 0 (0) -Number of cache segments = 0 (0)システムからは/dev/sdaとして見えているが、SeaToolsに渡す引数は/dev/sg0のようなデバイスなのでそこを注意。
Usage: SeaTools Enterprise [-option][variable][device] Allowed options are: -l list all attached SCSI disks -i display drive Inquiry information -I display drive Inquiry information for all SCSI devices -t ### execute ###% (10% - 100%) short Drive Self Test (DST) ex: st -t 10 /dev/sga execute 10 % of the short Drive Self Test (DST) -T ### execute ###% (10% - 100%) long Drive Self Test (DST) ex: st -T 20 /dev/sga execute 20 % of the long Drive Self Test (DST) -s stop Drive Self Test (DST) -g ### execute ###% (1-% - 100%) generic short test for legacy & non-Seagate drives ex: st -g 10 /dev/sga execute 10 % of the short legacy test -G generic long test (sequential verify test of entire drive) -r generate Seagate RMA form -v show Seatools version and licence agreement example: ./st -i /dev/sga displays inquiry for /dev/sga Advanced options (some cause data loss): -Marg Drive Preferences (mode page) change Note: Use -i INQUIRY option to display the supported & current settings. Performance Mode (PM) -Mpmon/off desktop/server PM bit Write Cache Enable (WCE) -Mwceon/off set/clear WCE bit Read Cache Disable (RCD) -Mrcdon/off set/clear RCD bit Just In Time (JIT) -Mjitdefault set all JIT bits, factory default -Mjit1on set only JIT bit 1, clears any others -Mjit2on set only JIT bit 2, clears any others Automatic Write Rallocation Enable (AWRE) -Mawreon/off enable/disable AWRE bit Automatic Read Rallocation Enable (ARRE) -Marreon/off enable/disable ARRE bit Disable Exception Control (DExcpt, SMART logging) -Mdexon/off disable/enable DExcpt bit Disable Loop Master (DLM, fibre channel only) -Mdlmon/off disable/enable DLM bit Disable Target Oriented Loop Initialization (DTOLI, fibre channel only) -Mdtolion/off disable/enable DTOLI bit Number of Cache Segments -Mcache# set # cache segments ex: -Mcache8 set # of cache segments to 8 -F default low-level scsi format Usage: [-option] [variable] [device] -d file firmware download ex: st -d fwfile /dev/sga download firmware file fwfile into /dev/sga -C ### capacity change ex: -C 1234567890 set high blocks to 1234567890 (zero based) ex: -C max change capacity to factory maximum -B ### sector size change followed by a format ex: -B 1024 change to 1024 bytes/sectorついでにUDMA5(ATA100)で動作中のこいつのベンチマーク。
# hdparm -tT /dev/sda /dev/sda: Timing cached reads: 288 MB in 2.02 seconds = 142.85 MB/sec Timing buffered disk reads: 102 MB in 3.02 seconds = 33.76 MB/sec
2008/08/30(Sat)Plagger on Fedora 8
2008/08/30 15:13
$ wget http://pub.woremacx.com/worepo/deprecated/worepo-release-7.rpm # sudo rpm -ivh worepo-release-7.rpm # ls /etc/yum.repos.d/wo.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/wo.repowo.repo内のアドレスが変わっているようなので、修正。
# vi /etc/yum.repos.d/wo.repo - baseurl=http://pub.woremacx.com/worepo/fedora7/i386 + baseurl=http://pub.woremacx.com/worepo/deprecated/fedora7/i386で、
# yum install perl-Plagger .... Transaction Summary ====================================================== Install 314 Package(s) Update 2 Package(s) Remove 0 Package(s) Total download size: 45 M Is this ok [y/N]: y ... Complete!という感じで物凄いインストール。