ここからダウンロード可能。ページ下部の"Linux コマンドライン版"を選択。
# tar xvf seatools_cli.tar
# ./st -l
Drive information:
/dev/sg0 ATA ST380021A 3.05 156301487 blocks
# ./st -i /dev/sg0
Vendor = ATA
Product = ST380021A
Version = 3.05
Serial Number =
Copyright =
SCSI Firmware = t
Servo RAM Release = 9
Servo ROM Release = !5v
Servo RAM Date = �
Servo ROM Date = E
Blocksize = 512, Highblock = 156301487, Capacity = 78151 MB
-this is a Seagate drive
-this drive does not support DST
-Mode Page Settings [current value (default)]:
-WCE bit = 1 (0)
-RCD bit = 0 (0)
-AWRE bit = 1 (0)
-ARRE bit = 0 (0)
-DExcpt bit = 0 (0)
-Number of cache segments = 0 (0)
Usage: SeaTools Enterprise [-option][variable][device]
Allowed options are:
-l list all attached SCSI disks
-i display drive Inquiry information
-I display drive Inquiry information for all SCSI devices
-t ### execute ###% (10% - 100%) short Drive Self Test (DST)
ex: st -t 10 /dev/sga execute 10 % of the short Drive Self Test (DST)
-T ### execute ###% (10% - 100%) long Drive Self Test (DST)
ex: st -T 20 /dev/sga execute 20 % of the long Drive Self Test (DST)
-s stop Drive Self Test (DST)
-g ### execute ###% (1-% - 100%) generic short test for legacy & non-Seagate drives
ex: st -g 10 /dev/sga execute 10 % of the short legacy test
-G generic long test (sequential verify test of entire drive)
-r generate Seagate RMA form
-v show Seatools version and licence agreement
example: ./st -i /dev/sga displays inquiry for /dev/sga
Advanced options (some cause data loss):
-Marg Drive Preferences (mode page) change
Note: Use -i INQUIRY option to display the supported & current settings.
Performance Mode (PM)
-Mpmon/off desktop/server PM bit
Write Cache Enable (WCE)
-Mwceon/off set/clear WCE bit
Read Cache Disable (RCD)
-Mrcdon/off set/clear RCD bit
Just In Time (JIT)
-Mjitdefault set all JIT bits, factory default
-Mjit1on set only JIT bit 1, clears any others
-Mjit2on set only JIT bit 2, clears any others
Automatic Write Rallocation Enable (AWRE)
-Mawreon/off enable/disable AWRE bit
Automatic Read Rallocation Enable (ARRE)
-Marreon/off enable/disable ARRE bit
Disable Exception Control (DExcpt, SMART logging)
-Mdexon/off disable/enable DExcpt bit
Disable Loop Master (DLM, fibre channel only)
-Mdlmon/off disable/enable DLM bit
Disable Target Oriented Loop Initialization (DTOLI, fibre channel only)
-Mdtolion/off disable/enable DTOLI bit
Number of Cache Segments
-Mcache# set # cache segments
ex: -Mcache8 set # of cache segments to 8
-F default low-level scsi format
Usage: [-option] [variable] [device]
-d file firmware download
ex: st -d fwfile /dev/sga download firmware file fwfile into /dev/sga
-C ### capacity change
ex: -C 1234567890 set high blocks to 1234567890 (zero based)
ex: -C max change capacity to factory maximum
-B ### sector size change followed by a format
ex: -B 1024 change to 1024 bytes/sector
# hdparm -tT /dev/sda
Timing cached reads: 288 MB in 2.02 seconds = 142.85 MB/sec
Timing buffered disk reads: 102 MB in 3.02 seconds = 33.76 MB/sec